A Conversation on Frugal Education: Insights from my AACE Review Interview

I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Stefanie Panke for the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Review. This was a fantastic opportunity to delve into the ideas and motivations behind my work, particularly the “Frugal Education” card deck, and to share insights about the broader projects I’ve been involved with, such as GameChangers and CreativeCulture.

During our conversation, I was able to reflect on the inspiration behind the Frugal Education cards, which stemmed from years of research and practical experience. The goal was to create a resource that simplifies complex educational concepts into actionable steps, making it accessible and beneficial for educators worldwide. I also discussed my journey and passion for creating tools that are not only effective but also sustainable and easily reproducible.

Stefanie’s thoughtful questions allowed me to elaborate on the importance of frugal education, a principle deeply rooted in both my professional experiences and personal values. This approach emphasises creativity, resourcefulness, and sustainability—crucial elements in today’s educational landscape.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my insights and hope that our discussion will inspire more educators to explore frugal and playful learning methods. For those interested in a deeper dive into our conversation, you can read the full interview here.